Special Arctic Expeditions
On this site you will find many links to Arctic expeditions.
Click on: - the Expedition Logo's
- the Title
- the Picture
for more information about that expedition.
Scroll down for the latest news (June 2009), very exiting news!!

Special Day (& Night) trip on Spitsbergen
An Amazing walk/scramble around Templet Mountain
Templet Mountain
Ski-tour Oscar 2 Land on Spitsbergen
With some special activities with a riverboard (see 2nd picture below)
Oscar 2 Land
Jumping off with a riverboard, with 2 seals in the background as audience
Sea-kayaking around South Lofoten (North Norway)
With special campplaces and a beautiful sunset (see 2nd picture below)
Sea-kayaking on the Lofoten Islands
Sunset from the mountaintop Navaren on Lofoten (Hermannsdalstinden on the left)
The webpage of "Harry the Polarbear".
Enjoy the pictures of a very adventurous Polar Bear.
Harry, being very happy with his own webpage.
Walking in Oscar 2 Land during August 2007.
a 15 days walking trip over glaciers in Spitsbergen.
Enjoying the view during a break in Oscar 2 Land, Protektor fjellet in the background.
Ski-Touring & Climbing in the St-Elias Mountains in Northern Canada, June 2006.
a 15 days trip in one of the biggest glaciated area's of the world.
High glaciated mountains in the St-Elias Mountains.
Ski-Expedition Newtontoppen and Atomfjella, Spitsbergen April/May 2005.
11 days ski-tour through the most Alpine area of Spitsbergen.
Himalaya view from Perriertoppen in Atomfjella.
11 Days glacier ski-tour in Jotunheimen, South Norway, March/April 2005
This was a trainingtrip for the Spitsbergen expedition.
Enjoying the 360° mountain view on the top of Galdhopiggen, the highest mountain in Norway.
Click here to go to the Fjell Tours website
for active
Summer & Winter Vacations in Norway (Dutch Language).
The Adventdalenriver from glacier to Fjord expedition has been very
successful. A short story with some pictures can be seen if you click on the
expedition logo: Advent River from Glacier to Fjord.(see above)
In August I managed to do two week trips on Spitsbergen:
The first trip was a walking trip from the Nordenskiold Glacier to Tempelfjorden.
On the last day on this trip I did a long day (and night) trip around and over the mountains in
the Templetmountain area.
Click on the Templet Mountain picture (see above) for an exiting story with pictures.
The second trip was a ski-tour in Oscar 2 land.
From 200m. above sea level I did use my ski's.
This was probable the last ski-tour for the ski-season 2008 or the first ski-tour for the
ski-season 2009.
Click on Ski-Tour Oscar 2 Land (see above) for some special pictures.
During the last weeks of August I made a 14 days sea-kayak and walking (scrambling) trip on the Lofoten islands in Northern Norway.
I was very lucky to see a beautiful sunset when I was camping on a high mountaintop at Reinefjorden.
I managed to paddle around the southern part of the Lofoten Islands.
For sure this is the place to test the stability of your sea-kayak and the stability of yourself.
A daily report with may amazing pictures can be seen if you click on the Lofoten pictures. (see above)
23 DECEMBER 2008: On this day the following big expedition was "born".
On January 1th 2010 the expedition 'Living on Frozen Water' will start on Spitsbergen.
This expedition will end at December 31th 2010.
One year in the Spitsbergen Mountains!!
Many exciting special things will take place during this expedition. This expedition has his own
website now. I will use 3 drawings/expedition flags on this expedition. I’m using these drawings also
to promote the trip, showing the three
main seasons on Spitsbergen: Darkness, Winter and Summer.
This expedition has a mission!! More information can be found at the website.
De website van deze 'Living On Frozen Water' expedition is: www.Fjelltours.nl/2010.html

June 2009: Many small picture-Video's of all kind of outdoor adventures on my previous trips
are placed on the website: www.Fjelltours.nl/2010.html
Trips & Expeditions for 2009:
In 2008 some new idea's came up for some expeditions to do in 2009. But since December 2008, when
the one years trip " Living On Frozen Water"for 2010, became more reality, things and idea's did changed a lot.
In 2009 many things must be arranged for the 2010 trip. But most of my idea's for trips, planned for 2009, will
find a place in the 2010 trip.
In March 2009 I have been out in Rondane (South Norway), making an enormous big igloo and doing some special
snowriverboarding. A small video of this can be seen at: www.Fjelltours.nl/2010.html
In March 2009 I have been also in North Norway, doing some Sea kayaking and Skiing there. Click on the logo:
Lofoten-Sea Kayak & Ski Expedition for more information and some pictures. (see above)
For quick viewing this webpage/the picture albums and for safety reasons the resolutions of
all the pictures is low. The ownership of all the pictures and the text remains to Fjell Tours.
It is allowed to place/use these pictures for non-commercial use on your own private website/weblog if
you place the ownership website and email under the pictures.
If you want pictures on high resolutions or want to use the text/pictures on a commercial way, this
is only possible after written consent by Fjell Tours.
Last update on June 6th 2009