Sea Kayak & Ski Expedition Lofoten
Update june 1st 2009

Like the Logo shows (see above) this should be a "dream" expedition.
I hope to do this trip next winter (2009).
Comparing to the other expeditions this trip is very weather depending.
In South Lofoten, where this trip take place, there is less snowfall (comparing to the northern part of Lofoten).
The wind can also be very hard. There can be very low clouds with fog.
Depending on the temperature it can easely rain here instead of snowing.
But with the right weather, this trip will take me to a special paradise!!
The ideal weather should be: less wind, blue sky and new snow down to sea level.
This expedition will be a "hit and go trip" with the ideal weather.
In South Lofoten there are no roads, the only way to get there is by boat or sea-kayak.
In August 2008 I am going again to Lofoten (and maybe also Senja) to do some sea-kayaking.
More information about this trip will be placed in September 2008.
Click here to see many summer pictures of Lofoten/North Norway.
Training/testingtrip in Hornindalslake.
To see if it is possible to paddle with all the necessary equipment, which is needed
for this Lofoten Ski & Kayak trip, I went out for a winter kayaktrip for some days
in March 2008 at Hornindalslake. This lake, in south Norway
(close to the westcoast at the Sunnmore Alps), is situated at 50 meter a.s.l. and is at
some places 500 meter deep. It is the deepest lake in Europe.

Ski's on the frontdeck of the sea-kayak.
Beside a tent, food and other camping equipment also ski's, skiboots, crampons,
ice axe etc... etc.. has to be transported in a sea-kayak.
Everything did find a place inside the sea-kayak. I placed the ski's on the frontdeck.
It is the only place for the ski's in a 1-person sea-kayak. Allthough the ski's won't
like the salt water.
As I wrote earlier, the winter of 2008 did bring a lot of snow to South Norway.
I had to wait 2 nights to get to the westcoast (Hornindalslake) because the road was
closed due to bad winter weather.
Sadly I did not get nice weather on Hornindalslake. But the kayaking was good, sometimes
spooky when the view was limited to 50 meters due to heavy snowfall.
Click here to see some pictures of the testing trip in Hornindalslake. |
Update October 15th 2008: Summer Sea-kayaktrip on Lofoten
This summer (2008) I have been on Lofoten and I did make there a very interesting
Sea-kayak tour with walking trips. I paddled around the southpoint. During this tour I have been looking for nice places
to visit when I go to Lofoten in wintertime.
It was very exiting to taste the Lofoten wilderness during this summer sea-kayaking trip.
The Lofoten wilderness in wintertime will be more impressive. I am looking forward to go
to Lofoten in wintertime.
Click here to see many amazing pictures of the summer sea-kayaking
Update June 1st 2009: Two Winter Ski Sea-kayaktrips on Lofoten in March 2009
The first trip was very successful. This trip took place on the small island Vaeroy.
I camped on 2 awesome places, see the pictures below.
More writing and pictures about this trip will be placed in a book which I am planning to write after I made more
trips like this in the next years.

This is the beach under the mountain Haen! It is the same place where I was last summer. What a place to be!
The mountain in the back: Mahornet is the place of my next camp!

Camping "On the Edge" on mountain Mahornet! Mountain Haen with the sandy beach at the background. At the
far end on this picture you see Lofoten.
The second trip wasn't that successfull. The weather was too bad. I shouldn't have going out for this trip
in this kind of weather. It turns out in a little tragedy and I have been rescued by a helicopter.
More writing about this trip will be placed in a book which I am planning to write in the next years.
Here 2 pictures of the start of the 2nd trip:

Almost ready to go!

View towards some mountains on Lofoten.
Click here to go to other amazing expeditions. |
Last update on June 1st 2009