Hi, I am "Harry the Polarbear" enjoy my adventures.
Harry has been out on many trips allready.
On this webpage you can see many amazing pictures.
Enjoy the pictures!
The Newtontoppen Ski-Up & Kayak Down Expedition 2008 on Spitsbergen.

Harry, enjoying the midnightview from Newtontoppen, the highest mountain on Spitsbergen.
More very exiting pictures about this amazing expedition will find a place in a special book with the title:
45 days alone on Spitsbergen with a polarbear.
The Kayak & Riverboard Expedition 2007 on Spitsbergen.
Harry enjoying surfing on the wave behind a zodiac-boat on full speed
Click here (or on the picture)
to see more pictures of the Adventures of Harry the Polarbear during the Kayak Expedition 2007 on Spitsbergen.
The Winter Adventures of Harry the Polarbear in South Norway.
Harry is camping in the snow in the Sjoa River in South Norway.
Click here (or on the picture)
to see more pictures of the Adventures of Harry the Polarbear during wintertime in South Norway.
'Harry on a riverboard in a fjord at Lofoten, looking for fish in the clear water.
Click here (or on the picture)
to see more special pictures of the Adventures of Harry the Polarbear on a riverboard at the sea-side. |
The Summer Adventures of Harry the Polarbear in South Norway.

This is Vacation....!!.

Harry "rafting" on the Otta river.
A small video has been made of PolarBear on a riverboard in the Breakers on the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway.
This very interesting and funny video is placed on this website:
From the mainpage click on "Small video's" and enjoy this amazing video.
The name of this small video: PolarBear in the Breakers.
Also in other small video's (which are placed on that page) you can see PolarBear in action.
Will be continued.
Click here to go to other amazing expeditions. |
Last update on June 5th 2009