Kayak Expedition Spitsbergen 2008
New update June 2009 with video's, Scroll down.

This trip will take place during the first 3 weeks in July 2008.
It will be a totally other expedition then the Kayak Expedition in 2007.
On my way back to Longyearbyen, during my Ski Kayak Expedition Newtontoppen in April/May 2008
I got the possibility to leave behind my kayak and 2 fjellpulks in Adventdalen.
Click here for more information about the Ski Kayak Expedition Newtontoppen.
In the first week of July I will walk up Adventdalen, which might be a very wet valley at this time
of the year. This all depends of the temperature and sunshine/or not.
During the walk up in Adventdalen checking out the waterlevels of some other rivers and walk
(struggle)up the kayak to the source of the Adventriver at the glacierfront.
Depending on the weather/waterlevels/kayak possibilities, making choices what to do.
Checking out also some Glaciers for kayaking (you never know!!).
For sure also some high mountainpeaks will be visited on good weather days.
The first 10 km of the Advent River might be interesting white water, depending on water level.
The last 26 km of the Advent River is mostly flat streaming water.
This part of the river will be paddle as shown on the logo, with the 2 fjellpulks behind the kayak.
This will be a very interesting part of this expedition.
What I saw last summer at this time of the year, the water level should be OK in this area.
Last year it was possible to paddle the Longyear river, this water is coming from a much smaller
glacier/valley then the Adventriver. So I have good hope for enough water in the river.
And this winter there was more snowfall then last year, normally this should give more melting water.
But the waterlevel will change very quick due to sunshine
(or not) and temperature rising (or falling). Time will tell.
This trip will have many special adventurous moments.
More information will be placed here on September/October 2008.
Click here to go to other amazing expeditions. |
New Update September 16th
This trip was very amazing and successful.
I started this 15 days trip on July 2th 2008 from Longyearbyen, the first part on the bike to the end of
the road, then walked into Adventdalen.
I went out on this trip alone, but at the end of the first day I got company from "Harry the
Polarbear", who was still sitting and waiting in the kayak
since may 15th 2008 when I left him there after the Ski Kayak Expedition Newtontoppen.
After repacking the equipment and after walking/scrambling up the first mountain peak on a nice
sunny day I walked everything higher up into Adventdalen. This all took some days.
 View from a small hill over Adventdalen:The mountain Skotten in the middle, the Dron glacier on the left.
Longyearbyen at the far end to the right.
As expected, after a long winter with much snowfall, there was much snow in the mountains.
I could see that the waterlevel in the river was rising due to sunshine and a higher temperature.
Yes, this was the right time for paddling the upper part of the Advent River.

View from mountain Duboistoppen: The mountain Skotten in the middle,
The pictures below showing the upper part of the Adventriver at high water level.
It was very special to padlle the upper part, being surrounded through high mountains with lots of snow.
The only sad thing was that I couldn't start at the highest point in Adventdalen.
Higher up the river was still snow covered or the main stream was going under the snow at many places.
It is not good for your health trying to paddle these section.

Nice river: get in and Go!!

Same place, now with the mountain Skotten in the background.

My get in point for the upper part of the Advent River.
It was not necessary to walk up any glacier in the area to look for kayak possibilities on rivers on the glaciers,
because all the glaciers were still totally covered with snow.
So glacier kayaking was not possible but I managed to padlle some side rivers in Adventdalen.
I paddled the lower part of the Advent River with the 2 fjellpulks (sledges) behind the kayak.
The fjellpulks were fully loaded with all the equipment. See the pictures below.
Here the river was mostly flat streaming but due to high water it was at many places fast streaming.
It was special and exciting to paddle with 2 pulks behind the kayak, it all went very good.

Harry, on the top of the 2 pulks, enjoying paddling down the Advent river.

The last day on the Advent river with the expedition flag on the pulks.
On july 17th 2008 3.00 a.m. the kayak,the pulks and Harry the polarbear reached Longyearbyen.
Harry was out in the field since april 15th 2008, when the "Newtontoppen Ski up Kayak down" expedition started.
On both expeditions many things happened.The most time consuming job on both
expeditions was always the logistics. Transporting so many equipment in the Spitsbergen mountains
takes time, a certain amount of energy and an unbelievable drive.
But it always the weather which decide for you what you can do.
Also during this summer trip I spent some days inside the tent, waiting for the right weather.
Detailed information about both expeditions with the most amazing pictures and stories will
find a place in the book which I am going to write.
Title of this book:
45 days alone on Spitsbergen with a polarbear.
Subtitle: 2 amazing expeditions in winter and summer with a white water kayak.
Special thanks to Tore Hoem from Spitsbergen Travel for using the good storage place between these 2 expeditions.
Update June 2009:
2 Small video's has been placed on a website. The first video shows parts of paddling
the upper part of the Adventriver. The second video shows parts of paddling the lower part of the Adventriver with
2 pulks (sledges) behind the kayak.
These video's are very interesting and funny to look at.
The video's are placed on the website:
From the mainpage click on "Small video's" and enjoy these amazing video's.
Click here to go to other amazing expeditions. |
Last update on June 7th 2008